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Tagged: counterparty

2014-12-27 :: David Sterry // Decentralization
8 Ways to Counterparty

For Bitcoin, currency is just the beginning, necessary to bootstrap the system, build mining infrastructure, secure the blockchain, and discourage spam. Recently there has been much talk of smart contracts, smart property, digital assets, and escrow, all of which benefit from the existence of a decentralized global ledger. That talk has been turned into action […]

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2014-10-06 :: David Sterry // Decentralization
What is Counterparty?

Counterparty is a protocol for the creation and use of decentralized financial instruments using Bitcoin as a transport layer. The protocol currently supports and implements the creation of assets, issuance of tokens of those assets, payment of dividends, protocol-escrowed trading, binary bets, and contracts-for-difference. The protocol has been operating since January 2014. To enable the […]

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